The choice paradox.
posted by tommietheturtle - January 31 2014 09:40:52 AM
Your a child and your mother accompanies you into an ice cream parlor famous for its large selection of fancy flavored ice cream. It also offers plain ice cream at half the price of the fancy ice cream.

your mother lets you choose two scoops of either chocolate or vanilla ice cream from the plain selection this time and promises that next time you can choose any flavor ice cream you want.

*Note that you can only order one equal value scoop ice cream when you come back.

You return the next week and immediately go over to the fancy ice cream flavors wanting to try a new flavor ice cream.

What flavor ice cream is in your best interest to order, and what flavor did you order prior to visit two? (visit one)?
visit one=
visit two=
Reply by Ilovehockey - February 18 2015 06:05:16 PM
That's really hard

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