The Airplane Ride
posted by Boiler - June 19 2012 08:41:08 PM
An airplane boards in Houston. Every seat is filled with people, the stewardess closes the door, and they all take off, flying to their eventual destination, New York City. The flight goes safely, the airplane makes no stops, and nobody jumps off the plane. However, when the plane lands in New York, there is not a single person aboard. How is this possible?
Reply by 21eyes - June 20 2012 07:59:41 AM
they are all in a relationship

Reply by Boiler - June 20 2012 06:14:12 PM
This is correct as well, although i admittedly took longer to solve this one than the previous

Reply by NathanHenderson319 - July 09 2012 08:18:18 AM
there were no seats? (probably not the right answer, but i tried.)

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