Businessman, can you solve it?
posted by Fullmetal - March 20 2013 01:24:23 AM
A business traveler from Son was traveling to London when he arrived to a welcoming door that read "Member's only."

As he stood there as a man came to the door. He knocked, and a doorman opened the door.

The doorman said: Twelve

The man outside the answered six, and was admitted.

The business traveler pondered a bit, and while he thought, was a new man at the door. The doorman opened again, and said: Six

The new man said three, and was admitted.

Then the businessman realized the code algorithm, and went to the door and knocked.

The doorman said, Ten

The businessman responded: Five

He was not admitted. What should he have answered to get access?
Reply by jatingarg - March 20 2013 02:09:30 AM

Reply by Fullmetal - March 20 2013 03:49:35 AM
Correct, good job:)

Reply by Paranoid - March 20 2013 01:56:23 PM
please explain because i thought it would be 2

Reply by Fullmetal - March 20 2013 03:18:44 PM
Paranoid, its very easy, but also very hard since sometimes people just overlook it and see for something else. The reason why the answer would be 3 is very obvious once you see the pattern.

The first time the doorman says 12, the man replies with six. So how many does letter do the number 12 have? Twelve=Six letters
And the next one 6 tht has 3 letter.Six=Three letters
Else thank you for participating

Reply by Paranoid - March 25 2013 10:49:40 AM
The essence of these questions is that the answer just clicks in your mind ... otherwise you gotta blow your mind off to solve one of these ... btw thnx for the reply and riddles, well keep them coming

Reply by Boiler - March 26 2013 07:17:09 PM
This is a GREAT one, Full..... I've heard it before, and I'll also admit I didn't solve it on my own. One of the only ones I've ever given up on ever in my life, and i stewed on it for a month before giving up. Keep 'em coming bro! ;)

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