2 seated car
posted by divyansh - March 01 2013 01:15:56 AM
On a windy rainy night, I was driving in my car.
When I reach the bus stand, I see three people waiting for the bus.

1. An old lady who needs an immediate medical attention
2. My Best Friend
3. Girl whom I love from childhood

my car is a two seater, so can you tell me, what I have done in this situation?
Reply by divyansh - March 02 2013 03:59:05 AM
simple first leave the old lady to the hospital then gave it to the friend and go into the bus with girl whom i love

Reply by Paranoid - March 09 2013 09:23:19 AM
it can be better ..... give the car to the friend and ask him to take the old lady to the hospital and stay with the girl yourself and have fun ...:D

Reply by Boiler - March 26 2013 08:20:33 PM
This isn't really a riddle to me, it's more like a moral question... Kinda like the F, marry, kill game. Riddle-wise, you take the old lady, save her life, yadda yadda.... the other 2 are waiting on the bus anyway. Or, if you got skills, save the old lady, win the girl you love's heart by doing that, then high-five your best friend while you drive off with your love (be sure to send him naked pictures of her..... he IS on the bus after all). I'm pretty partial to Paranoid's answer too ;)

Reply by theboss - October 08 2013 09:55:38 AM
Drive lady to hospital, hang out with friends later. best friend won't screw you over, girl finds you nice.

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